

A huge thank you to Catherine for helping me through the toughest time of my life. Without my sessions with you I would not be back to the person I know and love. Never before had I felt so hopeless and desperate. I just didn't know where to start to get myself through this. With your help, skills and guidance I have been able to reset and overcome. Understanding the way the brain works has been enlightening. How our thoughts and actions can have both positive and negative effects on our brain and body now makes total sense. Your positive reinforcement techniques have given me back control of my life when I felt I had none. I will take what I have learnt from you with me for life. I can't thank you enough.


Homewood Hypnotherapy


A huge thank you to Catherine for helping me through the toughest time of my life. Without my sessions with you I would not be back to the person I know and love. Never before had I felt so hopeless and desperate. I just didn't know where to start to get myself through this. With your help, skills and guidance I have been able to reset and overcome. Understanding the way the brain works has been enlightening. How our thoughts and actions can have both positive and negative effects on our brain and body now makes total sense. Your positive reinforcement techniques have given me back control of my life when I felt I had none. I will take what I have learnt from you with me for life. I can't thank you enough.